Convoy is specialized company in Intelligent Security System and is grouped as one of HLogic Group the pioneer in field of Intelligent Security System in Egypt¸ Middle East and North Africa.
It has been established in Shenzhen City in China Since 2008 as a one of prominent factories in field of Intelligent Security System. It was invested by Group CEO Eng. Hesham Yahia in 2013 ownership of 95% of the shares and was registered in China in 2008 then was registered in Egypt as trademark in 2014.
In terms of sales. It was sold through the HLOGIC SECURITY TECHNOLOGY group but for the reason that sales rate was rapidly increased. So we decided to separate it and to create our own Trademark as Convoy in 2019.
Convoy is an Egyptian Trademark and an Egyptian investment managed by Egypt in the worldwide where it is now targeting a large segment of Egyptian market and characterized by verity and efficiency of its product. For this reason Convoy brand has started to rapidly spread internationally for all worldwide.
Convoy has been an Egyptian brand in less than 11 years and supply for more than 700 prominent distributors in the Egyptian market and abroad, In addition to achievement of thousands of projects.